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Fort Lauderdale Rape Defense Attorney

Protecting Individuals Charged with Rape

The majority of rape charges involve sexual contact between people who know each other or even live together. Rape is a more heightened offense than sexual battery or sodomy because it involves actual and nonconsensual sexual intercourse. If you have been accused of rape, you need to be informed of the serious and life-changing penalties that will follow a sex crime conviction.

Whether you have been charged with rape by a stranger or by someone you are close to, you will benefit from the help of a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney. With a legal defender by your side, you may be able to raise the question of consent or mistaken identity. A lawyer from Parks & Braxton, PA can provide the superior cross-examination you need to challenge your accuser in court and question the motives behind their accusations.

Sex Crime Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale

Rape charges involve complex legalities and it is often necessary for the defendant to testify in court. We invest both time and effort into you and your defense case so that you are fully prepared to testify for your innocence, even against a tough prosecution. According to Florida law, all of the necessary elements to prove rape can be proved solely by the testimony of the victim and no other evidence is needed to find the defendant guilty. The prison time given for a rape conviction ranges from five to fifteen years for individuals who have no prior convictions.

In addition to this serious penalty, a rape conviction may include mandatory sex offender registration. Registering as a sexual predator and offender will drastically change your life and the opportunities you have for employment and housing in the future. You cannot afford to be without the help of a rape attorney during this crucial time. Our firm has over 50 years of combined legal experience in criminal defense, and we have successfully handled thousands of criminal cases.

Contact a Fort Lauderdale rape attorney to discuss your charges during a confidential and free consultation. We are available to take calls 24 / 7 - on nights, weekends, and holidays as well.

Obtain Immediate Legal Help

To save your license, you must act within 10 days. Contact a partner about your case at (954) 519-2290 or fill out the form here.

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